To tell you the truth there is no such thing as a PCOS Diet. The main thing you need to do is start a LIFESTYLE CHANGE! What is that? That is when you change your whole perspective of Food, Life, and Fitness. There is no cure for PCOS, so the changes you make have to be for a lifetime. The moment you stop then the Fat and weight comes right back. So what do we suggest?

1. Eat REAL Food, and start listening to you body. I know, this task falls into the much-easier-said-than-done pile, but I promise it’s not that hard.

2. Avoid Dairy at all cost. PCOS is thought to be a condition of “damp accumulation” and dairy generally contributes to this problem.  Because of the natural probiotic content of raw milk products, they are often much easier for the body to assimilate, resulting in less “damp and phlegm” conditions. I never recommend switching to Almond Milk, Coconut Milk, Hemp Milk, Rice Milk, or Flaxseed Milk. Try to minimize your consumption of Cheese if possible go on a LOW Dairy diet .. where Cheese, Eggs and other dairies are not used as often.

3. Stay FAR away from the following things:  
  • Soy – contains phyto-estrogens that mimic estrogen and throw your hormones out of whack.  Read more under "Say No to SOY" Tab
  • Reduced-fat foods – Reduced fat foods often contain weird stabilizers to maintain desired consistency or – in the case of low-fat dairy – oxidized cholesterol (the bad kind).
  • Industrial oils – Despite what anyone tells you, canola oil is not healthy. It falls in the same trash bin as corn, soy, cottonseed, and grapeseed oils, and should be avoided. These oils contain very unstable poly-unsaturated fatty acids or PUFAs. 
  • Chemical preservatives, additivesartificial sweeteners, and coloring – This should go without saying, but chemicals will put more strain on your already taxed system. Eat Real Food, read labels, and think before you bite.
 4. One of the most common dietary recommendations for PCOS is to control your blood sugar, because insulin resistance and elevated blood sugar play a role in perpetuating PCOS symptoms.
In a nutshell, here’s what happens:
In healthy folks, insulin helps to make a gate for glucose (sugar) to pass through cell membranes where it will be processed into energy.
Insulin resistance (IR) develops due to high stress, unhealthy lifestyle, or sometimes genetics. With this condition, your body’s cells don’t play nice with insulin, so there is no way for the glucose to pass through.
Glucose then floats around the blood stream (elevated blood sugar) until it is converted to fat by the liver.
Insulin resistance also elevates insulin levels in the blood stream. This excess insulin stimulates the ovaries to produce large amounts of the male hormone, testosterone – which can inhibit ovulation.
Elevated insulin also triggers the body to convert testosterone to estrogen – upsetting hormone balance, perpetuating weight gain, and contributing to the formation of ovarian cysts. 
