Prevent Miscarriage

*If you think a miscarriage may be happening, call your healthcare provider right away. Lay down to rest, put your feet up.If you think you are having a miscarriage consult your doctor right away. These are traditional therapies for miscarriage. There are no guarantees being made that they will stop a miscarriage. Most miscarriages are meant to happen due to issues with the fetus. These herbs will not stop a miscarriage that is meant to happen. They are helpful with miscarriages that are caused from stress, poor diet, trauma, weak uterine muscles, or low progesterone levels. Herbs help to provide extra nourishment and strength needed to nourish a depleted body. The following herbs are best used prior to pregnancy, for at least 3 months to help prevent miscarriage.

  • Black haw (Viburnum prunifolium): Extremely effective at reducing uterine contractions, and uterine muscle spasm. If there is uterine cramping without cervical dilation, cramp bark has been traditionally used to help stop uterine spasm and contractions. It is interchangeable with Cramp Bark and has the same actions as Cramp bark.  
  • Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus): Extremely effective at reducing uterine contractions, and uterine muscle spasm. If there is uterine cramping without cervical dilation, cramp bark has been traditionally used to help stop uterine spasm and contractions. It has been used for hundreds of years as miscarriage prevention.  
  • False Unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum): Recurrent miscarriages related to uterine and cervical weakness. This plant is endangered!  
  • Partridge Berry leaves & stems (Mitchella repens): Is a uterine tonic traditionally used to help strengthen a weak uterus. Helpful when the woman is experiencing painful cramping, uterine spasm, bleeding, and/or passing of blood clots in the first trimester of pregnancy.  
  • Vitex also known as Chaste tree berry, dried berries (Vitex agnus-castus): Has been traditionally used by midwives and herbalist to prevent miscarriage associated with low progesterone. Low progesterone is the number one reason for recurrent miscarriages. 
  • Wild Yam root (Dioscorea villosa): Traditionally used to treat irritable uterus and threatened miscarriage with uterine contractions present. Often combined with Cramp bark or Black Haw. Also used for hyperemesis gravidarum (extreme nausea and vomiting in pregnancy).