Wednesday, June 15

Confessions about living with PCOS to remind you that you're not alone

Polycystic ovarian syndrome as nearly unheard of just a few decades ago, so much so that many doctors thought women were imagining their symptoms. But not only is the illness very real, it has very real (and devastating) consequences. No one is sure why, but rates of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have exploded recently, says Renée Volny Darko, M.D., a board-certified OB-GYN practicing...

Sunday, May 8

A gut check for PCOS-related obesity

Modifying gut bacteria could be a treatment option for some of the symptoms associated with the widespread disease polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), according to a recent study by San Diego State University researchers in collaboration with investigators from the University of California, San Diego....

7 Subtle Signs You Could Have PCOS from Self Magazine

If you’ve skipped a period or two (and know you’re not pregnant) and have been breaking out like you’re a teenager again, it’s easy to chalk it all up to stress. But something more serious may be going on, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a stealth health issue caused by a hormonal...

Being Diagnosed With PCOS

Last month I was diagnosed with PCOS — Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It didn’t exactly come as a shock, but having the official diagnoses was still an emotional roller coaster. A few months ago I basically knew nothing about PCOS — and now after endless hours researching I’m less in the dark —...