Tuesday, September 8

Cinnamon Can Help Improve PCOS Symptoms

Cinnamon can help relieve some symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, according to new research.

New findings revealed that cinnamon supplements helped improve menstrual cyclicity in women with the sexual condition.
The latest study involved 45 women with PCOS who were randomized to receive cinnamon supplements (1.5 g/day) or placebo for half a year. Researchers found that women on cinnamon supplements experienced more frequent menstrual cycles than those on placebo pills.
Serum samples collected from participants confirmed ovulatory menses, according to researchers. Study results revealed changes in progesterone levels in participants in the cinnamon group, but no change in insulin resistance or serum androgen levels.  
"These preliminary data suggest that cinnamon supplementation improves menstrual cyclicity and may be an effective treatment option for some women with PCOS," researchers wrote in the study.
The findings are published in the November issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.